Make sure what’s driving you is not drowning you

Make sure what’s driving you is not drowning you

Hello Soul Family, I come from a longline of overachieving women who drove home messages such as “you have to work hard to succeed” or “baby, be an independent Black woman” and “don’t depend on nobody.”  Now, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being taught values...

Self-Compassion is a Choice!

Self-Compassion is a Choice!

Sheila D. Boynton, LSW, MDiv, CTCP, CAMS-I Hello Soul Family, If you’re anything like me, you’ve made a mistake or two in your life (okay, maybe more!). Or perhaps you made a commitment to do something such as exercise more or eat healthier, only to find yourself...

2024: The Year of Reauthoring

2024: The Year of Reauthoring

Have you ever felt like you're living a story that doesn't quite align with who you truly are or want to be? Do you find yourself struggling to make sense of your experiences and longing for a positive change?As a Therapist, I listen to clients try to make sense of...

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