Hello Soul Family,
I come from a longline of overachieving women who drove home messages such as “you have to work hard to succeed” or “baby, be an independent Black woman” and “don’t depend on nobody.” Now, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being taught values and morals, but rarely are we taught to stop and breathe
In a world where we are taught to become engulfed in the chaos and rush of daily life, especially in a society that praises being tirelessly busy and constantly pushing yourself to the limit. Yet, it is crucial to pause, reflect, and realign your motivations with your well-being at the forefront. Remember, self-care and balance are essential for long-term success and fulfillment.
Feeling overworked and overwhelmed can lead to dread instead of excitement for your goals. It’s crucial to set realistic goals and prioritize self-care along the way. Remember, success is not just about how much you can accomplish, but also about how fulfilled and balanced you feel in the process. Don’t let the pressure of achieving success overshadow your well-being. Take breaks when needed, reassess your motivations, and make sure that every step you take is aligned with your true desires. Your journey towards success should be empowering, not draining. It’s time to leave the toxic productivity and “grind culture” behind.
TIPS to leave the “grind culture” behind:
- Do not accept anyone else’s definition of your life. Define yourself and your life.
- Unplug to step away from the hustle and grind. Reset with quiet time!
- Schedule time for work and play. Family, friends and social connections matter!
- Prioritize self-care and rest. If we do not prioritize self-care and rest, our bodies will prioritize it for us.
- What are the relationship weights in my life causing me to drown?
- What do I need less of to have more peace?
1. Letter to My Daughter by Maya Angelou. Soothes my soul when I unplug. Available on Amazon.com